Birthday Parties in the Garden
Chair: Michelle Mew
“We turn not older with years, but newer every day.”
… Emily Dickinson
Join us in A Woman’s Garden for a fun, festive celebration of Members’ Birthdays! Delicious refreshments, party favors, and a tour of our garden are all part of this special event
We will gather at the DeGolyer House at 9:30 a.m., rain or shine.


Coffee and Chat  9:30

Program and Brunch  10:00

Garden Tour  11:30 - Noon



March and April Birthdays Friday, April 11, 2025

Please note date change for March and April


May, June, and July Birthdays Friday, May 16, 2025


Didn’t tell us your birthday?
Simply email your Month and Day to
to be included on your month’s birthday invitation list.


With sincere gratitude, we thank The Preston of the Park Cities
for its sponsorship in underwriting Birthday Parties in the Garden.