
Susan Banks and Debbie Myres


Look at this beautiful planting done by our Spring 2024 Volunteers!
Look at this beautiful planting done by our Spring 2024 Volunteers!

Fall Volunteer Day 

Monday October 28, 2024


Join us as we plant fall annuals in our

A Woman’s Garden.  Our morning continues

with a private tour by Dave Forehand,

VP of Gardens for the Arboretum,

as he updates us on progress in the

Pecan Parterre and the new Burgess Serenity Garden.


Spring Volunteer Day

Monday March 24, 2025


After we plant beautiful annuals,

enjoy a walking tour thru our Woman’s Garden,

led again by Dave Forehand.



To Volunteer for either Event, please contact:


Susan Banks - 214-448-6484   susanbanks83@gmail.com


Debbie Myres - 214-727-1625   dlmyres@att.net


Please dress for planting, bring your favorite gloves, 

and wear comfortable shoes.  


After each Volunteer Day shift,

a delightful “Dutch Treat”

lunch on the DeGolyer Terrace is optional

 and provides a

lovely opportunity to visit with fellow volunteers.